MECC to sponsor back-to-school drive

Montelores Early Childhood Council and partners will host a school supply and backpack drive through August 8.

The Journal

The Montelores Early Childhood Council will sponsor a backpack and school supply drive in partnership with the Salvation Army at 4 p.m. Aug. 8 at Montezuma Park. The event will also offer free haircuts, immunization checks and resources. Games, activities, Ruby Balloon and the Powerhouse Science Van will also be available.

The group provided 462 backpacks with supplies to local children 4-18 years old for the 2019 school year and hopes to do even more this year.

Community members can participate in the drive by donating school supplies or money through an online donation, sponsor a child for $25 per child or volunteer to sort and distribute supplies.

Current partners include: city of Cortez, CREA, Cortez Public Library, Walmart, Operation Homefront, Montezuma County Public Health Department, Bombas Socks and others.

Donate online at or drop off donations by Aug. 2 at one of the following locations: CSU Extension Office, Montezuma County Health Department, Montelores Early Child Council office, Cortez Welcome Center, Cortez Public Library, Mancos Public Library, Dolores Public Library and Salvation Army.