
Maybe Trump will make us wiser, kinder

It is a sad time in the U.S. People sick and dying. Handcuffed and subdued people murdered at the hands of police officers. A president who lacks compassion and human understanding. A president who cares only for himself and the greed that defines his life. Without acknowledging the ongoing and generational pain and suffering of African-American society, he can only threaten more violence and heavier-handed measures.

Where is the understanding as shown by the Flint, Michigan, police officers who took a knee with the suffering demonstrators? Where is the humanity or Christian compassion shown by the Memphis police officer who prayed with a distraught marcher?

Why are people, both black and white, losing control in our streets? You have only to look at the current leadership of this nation, who only threatens yet more violence and punishment.

When words of compassion and condemnation of the murders in both Minnesota and previously in Georgia could have prevented it all, where was the national address? When forming and announcing an investigation of racial assaults would have provided succor to long suffering citizens, where was his outrage?

When asking why the rioting, look to the White House and know that a government that cared for the long-suffering of our fellow citizens instead of just economics could have forestalled the tragic events that we see today.

May we all grow wiser and kinder by witnessing this presidential insensitivity.

Jim SkvorcCortez

Jun 3, 2020
Four Corners Realtors award Dean Hanson scholarship