Mask-wearing mandate will likely continue, Polis says

Gov. Jared Polis, seen Aug. 20 in Denver, said Friday he’ll extend Colorado’s mask-wearing mandate for at least for another 30 days.

Gov. Jared Polis on Friday said that he will extend Colorado’s statewide mask-wearing mandate until at least mid-October.

The directive is set to expire this weekend. Polis said he’ll extend the mandate, at least for another 30 days.

“The masks are working,” Polis said. “We want to end it as soon as we can, but what it allows is all this progress we’re making. I mean, the only reason we are talking about high school football, the only reason we are talking about kids at our colleges and being open when other states stay closed, is because of the success that Coloradans have demonstrated wearing masks.”

The mandate, initially enacted in July, requires Coloradans 11 years old and older to wear a mask when in indoor public spaces. Violators face civil and criminal penalties.

The governor said he’s likely to keep renewing the mask-wearing directive until Colorado has safely figured out how to safely reopen bars and nightclubs.

“That’s really the last thing that’s not happening,” he said. “If we’re able to successfully do that, then ending the mask requirement would be the next step.”

Polis said he, too, is tired of wearing a mask and is looking forward to the day he can lift the mask-wearing mandate and the statewide burn ban and torch his face coverings.

“We look forward to the day the fire bans are ended and the mask requirements are ended and we can party all night long,” he joked.

Sep 16, 2020
Another effort to recall Polis may begin collecting signatures