Mancos valuing community input for future of town

A sign on U.S. Highway 160 welcomes drivers to Mancos. Town board members say they need time to consider the state of the town after Town Administrator Andrea Phillips resigned April 17.
Mancos Vision Survey will aid with creation of new vision statement and comprehensive plan; resident input accepted through Jan. 31

The Town of Mancos is circulating on online survey on its website through the end of the month to source community input for the creation of its new vision statement and comprehensive plan.

The Planning Commission is spearheading the effort.

More than 100 people attended a meeting in November where the plan was discussed, Town Administrator Heather Alvarez said. This included about 30 students from the Mancos School District – a rarity for board meetings, she said.

“It was a really nice wake-up call for the town,” she said.

The town’s last comprehensive plan was created in 2011, and the current survey features many of the same questions used to create that plan, just slightly tweaked to fit today’s landscape, Alvarez said.

“We wanted to see what’s changed,” she said.

Town officials decided to prolong the drafting process and gather more local perspective because of the interest evident at the November meeting, she said.

“Everybody took a step back and said, ‘Obviously there’s interest here,’” Alvarez said.

It will provide town officials with information to answer questions such as, “Are we going in the right direction?” she said.

Feedback from this survey will help the town formulate a new five-year plan, she said.

“The town is completely open to whatever feedback we receive,” Alvarez said.

Ideas receiving majority support will be implemented, she said.

In an effort to avoid bias, Alvarez said she won’t look at survey results before the Jan. 19 Planning Commission meeting, where the matter will be discussed.

The 18-question poll features a multiple choice, ranking, yes-or-no and short-answer questions.

The questions gauge community stances on several facets of society in Mancos, including commerce, development, environment, and population growth.

The questions are as follows:

  • Why do you live and/or own property in the Mancos area?
  • On average, how often do you shop in the town of Mancos for necessities (gas, food, or beverages)?
  • What would encourage you to shop in Mancos for necessities more often?
  • On average, how often do you shop in the town of Mancos for discretionary items (non-essentials)?
  • What would encourage you to shop in Mancos for discretionary items more often?
  • Please rate the following issues and your opinion of their importance to the community over the next 10 years.
  • Please chose the response which most closely represents your opinion regarding development in Mancos.
  • Below is a list of potential street projects. Please rank in order of preferred priority. (1 is highest priority, 6 is lowest priority)
  • Below is a list of potential economic development projects. Please rank in order of preferred priority. (1 is highest priority, 5 is lowest priority)
  • Below is a list of potential environmental protection projects. Please rank in order of preferred priority. (1 is highest priority, 7 is lowest priority)
  • What do you think the upper population limit in the town of Mancos should be?
  • Select your preferred growth scenario over the next 10 years.
  • Please rate the following town services.
  • Please use the following scale to choose the response which most closely represents your opinions regarding the following statements:
  • In what industry(s) are you employed?
  • What method do you use to get to work most often?
  • In which community is your primary place of employment located?
  • Would anything cause you to leave the Mancos region?