
Mancos Town Board OKs encroachment rules

Trustees also hear about progress on Opera House remodel
Journal file<br><br>The Mancos Town Board approved an ordinance dealing with private properties that encroach on the town’s right of way during its Sept. 11 meeting.

The Mancos Town Board covered a range of topics at its meeting Sept. 11 including approving an ordinance dealing with properties that encroach on the town’s right of way.

Besides approving an encroachment permit ordinance, trustees also OK’d a grant application for the Mancos Opera House and discussed some arts and education-related news.

Encroachment permits

Encroachment permits are issued by the town to allow another property owner to “encroach” on the town’s right of way.

Trustees first began discussing a possible ordinance regarding these permits in May, after a resident came to the board seeking to convert a backyard structure into an accessory dwelling unit – he needed permission because the structure encroached upon town property by 0.9 feet.

Staff members drafted an ordinance based on the town of Ouray’s, and amended the document based on board feedback over the next few months.

A few trustees were uneasy at the thought of relinquishing the town’s property rights, or concerned about liability issues that could arise. Ultimately, though, the overall consensus was to move forward with the ordinance.

Board members approved the ordinance in a 5-2 vote, with Trustees Cindy Simpson and Ed Hallam dissenting.

Mancos Opera House

The Mancos Opera House on Grand Avenue is a historical icon. It was built in 1910 by George Woods and A. J. Ames, with the ground floor housing a drugstore and butcher shop, while the second floor provided a space for community gatherings and theatrical productions, with a large stage and balcony seating.

It is undergoing renovations, and the building’s co-owner Philip Waters updated trustees on the renovations’ summer progress, and construction work yet to come.

According to Waters, the asbestos remediation is finished. Coming up, Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant restrooms on both floors will be built, an elevator will be installed, the backstage restroom is being remodeled, and the facade will be improved.

The Mancos Opera House Co. and Mancos Creative District are applying for a grant from the History Colorado State Historical Fund in the first quarter of 2020.

Trustees unanimously authorized Alvarez to sign the grant application and submit a letter of support.

The Opera House will be hosting the second night of the Mancos Valley River Film Festival on Sept. 28.

Also in arts-related news, Carol Mehesy from the Mancos Creative District updated the board on the district’s recent and ongoing activities, including Grand Summer Nights, the upcoming Open Studio Tour, and other Mancos Opera House events. She also shared information on the economic impact of arts in Colorado.

Coming up

The Sept. 25 board meeting was changed to a workshop so trustees will be able to attend the Colorado Municipal League Fall District 9 meeting at Cortez City Hall. The next regular meeting will happen Oct. 9.At the Oct. 9 meeting, the board will hold a public hearing on the first draft of the 2020 budget, along with discussing the first round of agency contributions for 2020.During a workshop before the meeting, trustees will have a question-and-answer session on the 2018 financial audit.

Also on Oct. 9, Mancos High School students enrolled in the engineering class will present to the board on possible collaboration opportunities within the town.

Also on Oct. 9, Mancos High School students enrolled in the engineering class will present to the board on possible collaboration opportunities within the town.

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