Mancos follies promises to help neighbors

Pay it Forward Fund and high school trip to benefit

Break out your best cowboy hat. A wild, wild West casino night is planned for the 33rd annual Millwood Junction Follies.

Last year, the community raised almost $7,000 for Mancos Pay it Forward Fund, and this year, the follies will again benefit the community fund.

This fund helps pay non-medical expenses such as childcare, rent, gas, utilities and groceries for those in the community who may be going through a personal crisis.

One of the first beneficiaries of the fund, Barbara Welch was pleased to see that the follies would benefit the follies again.

“It’s just a great nonprofit that helps individuals in the community pay their bills,” she said.

Welch lost her leg about two years ago after she was pinned between her running vehicle and a cattle gate for more than six hours.

The fund was able to help her pay her bills much more immediately than state programs.

“It was a tremendous help for me to be able to get that,” she said.

Part of the earnings from the event will also benefit high school students traveling to Spain for 11 days over spring break.

The trip is going to be lead by April Willbanks, the high school math teacher because the Spanish language teacher was unavailable.

The group hopes to raise about $1,000 to help cover the students meals and tips for the tour guides.

Over the years, the follies have benefitted many other local efforts including local theater, the Mancos Valley Chorus and the Mancos library among many others.

The acts have also spanned a huge range from comedy to bagpipes.

The organizers never reveal the exact line-up, but they promise a boisterous evening that generally packs the Millwood.

“We have several new acts, old favorites and many surprises in store,” Dana Weaver and Patricia Burk promised in news release.

The doors open at 4 p.m. on March 5 at the Millwood, and the show starts at 7:30 p.m.

No reservations are accepted.

Apr 12, 2016
Mancos Valley Chorus prepares concert series