
Mancos Days moving to private management

Bill Polston, of the Al Packer No. 100 chapter of E Clampus Vitus Colorado, tows some young visitors to Mancos Days in a miniature train in 2014 in Mancos. Mancos Days 2017 will be managed by a private group.

By Mac Neely

Last week, Mancos Town Administrator Andrea Phillips, called a meeting regarding Mancos Days. Ten of us were there. Most of whom worked at Mancos Days before the town took it over.

It seems that the town has too much work and cannot manage Mancos any longer. The town has promised to help Mancos Days financially for three years. The group enthusiastically accepted the responsibility, and we want everyone who is interested in helping to know: We need you.

We agreed we would meet to plan, to decide positions, and best of all, to see about bringing back the rodeo!

We are looking forward to a great Mancos Days in 2017.

Hospital food and nurses

I am sitting in Room 2-something at Southwest Memorial Hospital and staring at my clear liquid breakfast. It is exactly the same as I served my patients in nurses training an eon ago. Chicken broth, tea, jello and juice. I think Florence Nightingale served the same during the Crimean War. David at the Absolute Bakery in Mancos could give them some new ideas.

And Dave, the day I am out of here, I will be eating your Absolute Breakfast.

(But I digress)

As a registered nurse, I have met many people who have said, “I hate hospitals, and I will never go to a hospital.”

Usually those folks have never been admitted to a hospital.

I went to the emergency room and met the happiest and friendliest people I have seen in a long time. After that, I was admitted, and spent a few days with the hospital’s beautiful, happy and wonderful nurses. From the head nurse to the housekeeping staff, everyone is happy, kind and helpful.

While I don’t recommend becoming ill enough to be admitted to hospital, if you must go, this is the place to be.

Library plans ‘CCC Boys’

Michigan based author/songwriter Bill Jamerson will present an hourlong music and storytelling program about the Civilian Conservation Corps at the Mancos Public Library on Wednesday, Sept. 7, at 6 p.m.

“The CCC Boys of Colorado: A Musical Tribute to the Civilian Conservation Corps, ” is free and open to the public, and refreshments will be served.

This event is co-sponsored by the library and the Mancos HIstorical Society. More information at

Sep 13, 2016
Mancos Girls on the Run make their mark
Sep 6, 2016
The kids are on the run again in Mancos
Aug 17, 2016
Brewfest brings home the funds; Jamie Bade becomes engaged
Aug 2, 2016
Looking back at the cornucopia of Mancos Days
Jul 27, 2016
Mancos gets a new Blue Jay just in time for big weekend