
Make Dolores Shine seeks volunteers and donations

The Journal

The Dolores Rotary Club and the Dolores Chamber of Commerce will work together to light up Flanders Park this holiday season with the Make Dolores Shine – A Community Christmas Decorating Project at 1 p.m. Saturday at Flanders Park.

Businesses and community members are needed to help donate decorations, lights, money and time. Bring family, kids, friends and neighbors to Flanders Park behind Town Hall for a Community Decorating Party. Cookies, lemonade, tea and Christmas music will be provided. Help us hang lights, dangle big ornaments from trees and set up photo op areas.

Donations of working Christmas lights, outdoor decorations and three-prong electric cords may be brought that day or dropped off at The Dolores Outfitters or the Ponderosa Restaurant before Nov. 30. WMonetary donations will also be accepted to cover the cost of string lights.

Businesses may help us too by sponsoring to light a tree in front of Town Hall for $100, or donate 300 feet of white LED lights to be hanged on behalf of a business or family. Tree Sponsors will be given a certificate, and will be rewarded with a beautiful display.

For more information, visit