
MAGA engaging in ‘religious, political hate speech’

Various anti-hate campaigns in the media today fail to mention the biggest hate movement of all, the one currently sponsored by far-right Republicans against Democrats.

Republicans have incited hate crimes against Democrats with offices in Congress and private homes in California, and have encouraged hate against judges and election workers.

Do Republicans really get a free pass to hate just because many go to evangelical church and many Democrats go elsewhere?

In Utah, Senate candidate Brad Wilson has a TV ad where he promises to “risk it all” and fires a rifle as he talks about “fighting” Joe Biden. In another ad, he takes a sledgehammer to cinder blocks representing Biden’s agenda, which he claims is “destroying” the country’s foundations. This is outrageous incitement to violence against Democrats.

Wilson’s MAGA party is doing plenty of the destroying. Count honesty, nonviolence and separation of powers as part of that foundation, and Donald Trump’s promise of a “bloodbath” if he loses.

MAGA candidates in this election cycle need to be held accountable for both religious and political hate speech before their partisans actualize their candidates’ violent fantasies.

Kimball Shinkoskey

Woods Cross, Utah