
Luschen ‘flexible, a listener, pragmatic’

I read the May 7 editorials regarding the candidates for La Plata Electric Association District 4 with interest. By all credible accounts, David Luschen has experience and a track record. I do not know him and I do not live in District 4, but the consensus is that Luschen has shown himself to be flexible, a listener and pragmatic. The allegations regarding his supposed “conflict of interest” seem spurious and far-fetched.

On the other hand, based on my observations and knowledge of his opponent John Purser’s past conduct, I have come to the conclusion that Purser does not belong anywhere near a board of directors, especially one that serves the public.

I have never met him personally. No doubt he is a nice person. However, I have seen and heard his public and social media communications, and others have shared their experiences with me. It appears he jumps to conclusions, repeats misleading information, and is not overly interested in other points of view or facts that contravene his conclusions.

The last time he ran for the LPEA position in 2021, he was called out on demonstrable lies and innuendo he asserted regarding LPEA board members. All of this is disqualifying for board work, which requires collegiality, compromise, honesty, respect and active listening.

Addressing climate change issues related to our energy usage and power sources is of the utmost importance. I just can’t see this gentleman being the right person for the job.

Kristina Woods
