
Low-income apartments in Mancos seek heating upgrades

Energy Outreach Colorado launches fundraising campaign
A fundraising campaign has been launched to raise $35,000 to upgrade inadequate heating systems at Menefee Apartments in Mancos, which serves low-income elderly and disabled tenants. (Courtesy photo)

Energy Outreach Colorado has launched a fundraising campaign to upgrade the heating system for low-income apartments in Mancos.

The 12-unit Menefee Apartments serve low-income elderly and disabled tenants, and is managed by the Housing Authority of the County of Montezuma.

The apartment’s space heating system and boilers are outdated, and only functioning at 50%, said Denise Stepto, Chief Communications Officer for Energy Outreach Colorado, in an interview Wednesday.

The organization hopes to raise $35,000 to replace heating systems and boilers with new high-efficiency furnaces in time for winter. Local contractors are encouraged to bid on the project.

“It is a dire situation, and time is critical because winter will be here soon. We took on the campaign as part of our mission to assist in the energy needs of low-income and vulnerable residents,” Stepto said.

The apartment has had a series of repairs recently, including a roofing project that wiped out the maintenance budget, she said. The fundraising campaign is seen as a better solution than increasing rent on low income tenants.

“Low-income renters who live there are on a fixed income,” Stepto said.

Energy Outreach Colorado works on issues impacting low-income energy consumers. They offer bill payment assistance, crisis intervention, heating repair projects and weatherization, and preserving affordable housing.

To learn more about the Help Heat Menefee Apartments campaign, visit: