
Lone Dome and Glade Point road maintenance begins

The Journal

San Juan National Forest’s Dolores Ranger District will conduct road maintenance activities on the Lone Dome (NFSR 504) and Glade Point (NFSR 509) through Nov. 27.

Work will include reconstructing the road surface including the placement of a new aggregate surface. Maintenance activities address the structural integrity, user comfort and resource protection of Lone Dome and Glade Point roads ensuring industrial and recreational access for years to come.

This project will be completed simultaneously with timber removal and the upgrade of the Tri-State power line. In support of these efforts, more commercial traffic will be using the Lone Dome and Glade Point roads. Operations will be conducted 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Forest visitors should obey all traffic signs, exercise caution and be prepared for delays when traveling these roads through Nov. 27. Delays of up to 30 minutes are possible, though every effort will be made to facilitate the flow of traffic.

For more information, contact Cody Jones at 299-0215.