
Local author shares tips with Mancos students

Local author Erin S. Gray recently visited Mancos Middle School's publication classroom.

Gray chatted with the Ms. Farrar's seventh- and eighth-grade students at Mancos Middle School about the steps she went through to get published and what steps the students can take now to start working toward their own publication goals. She handed out a resource page filled with contests, awards and scholarships for the young writers.

The students participated in a "share story" creation in which small groups wrote a story by passing the page to their group members in turn. The winning story will be posted on Gray's blog, and the winning group members each won a free copy of her young adult historical fiction novel, Moonshine Murder.Gray will be returning to Mancos Middle School on Thursday, May 9 to speak on young adult historical fiction, in particular the 1920s, as well as different writing techniques.

To view the winning share story or to schedule a classroom visit go to