
Local advertising rep joins the Journal

Multimedia marketer helps businesses grow

A departed local has returned home to Dolores for a fresh start in the newspaper business.

Marketing expert Colleen Donley was recently hired by the Cortez Journal advertising department, which also serves the Dolores Star and Mancos Times.

“I’m from Colorado, and have owned a house in Dolores since 2005,” she said. “I came back for the people and a more outdoor lifestyle.”

With a background in art, real-estate and small-business development, Donley has promoted economic growth in San Francisco, Philadelphia and France.

But her small-town upbringing – she grew up in Beulah, Colo. – and appreciation for rural Montezuma County brought her to Dolores.

“I realized how great this area is, and I want to use my marketing skills to support local businesses that are really the heart of this community,” she said.

Advertising is an investment, not just an expense, she says, and the company is offering more affordable options than the recent past.

“I see us as a resource for small-business development with the goal of increasing revenues,” Donley said. “We have a team of graphic designers and marketers that create a partnership with businesses to help them succeed long-term.”

Nowadays, businesses have more options to reach their customers besides just print.

“We have a suite of products, from print and web ads, to building websites,” Donley said. “Digital advertising has been very successful. We have 50,000 readers per month on the Cortez Journal website.”

She has a real appreciation for small-town newspapers.

“Places without newspapers do not have a lot of growth,” Donley said. “Having a source of local news that promotes local businesses with clever, smart advertising keeps a community alive.”

When not working, Donley enjoys hiking and playing bass in her band, Stick Figures, which she formed with Rosie Carter.

To spread the word about your business, contact Colleen Donley at (970) 564-6022, or email her at

Contact Colleen

To spread the word about your business, contact Colleen Donley at (970) 564-6022, or email her at