Library plans event on early literacy

The Cortez Public Library is sponsoring a SPELL (Supporting Parents in Early Literacy through Libraries) event on Saturday, Sept. 19 at 1:30 p.m. The program targets families with children under 4 years old who are Montezuma County residents.

There is no cost to participants in this program. If you and your child attends one program your child will receive one board book. Each family will receive one Cuddleuppet which is a puppet built into a blanket.

The library will register participants, present early literacy tips using the Cuddleuppet, have participants fill out some surveys and sign up for daily ReadyRosie early literacy tips.

The library’s particular SPELL program is called “Read to Me, 21 Days to Form the Reading Habit” and helps parents establish a regular, daily reading habit in the home. The library is at 202 N. Park St. For more information, call 970-565-8117 and ask for Eric or Laura.