
Letter: Writer claims Herald fails to publish letters

It appears that the Letters to the Editor in The Cortez Journal are a thing of the past. Letters still show up in The Durango Herald, but nothing for those us on the other side of the La Plata Mountains. Maybe our letters are a little too conservative for the most of the editorial staff in Durango so our letters just get taken to the “round file.”

Dick SimmonsMancosEditor’s note: It is the policy of this newspaper to publish all Letters to the Editor unless they are potentially libelous, include inappropriate language, etc. We follow the conventions of American journalism in making those decisions. The Journal has received only seven Letters to the Editor since Jan. 1. Letter-writers should use the online form to ensure letters are received by the editor. We are no longer able to type handwritten letters. The online form may be accessed at the bottom of the home page of our website,