Letter to the Editor Legal marijuana and the Oracle of Zetroc

I am sorry guys but didn't our Sheriff just ask for input on our new pot laws? I sort of got the feeling he was talking to me for some reason.

Mr. Spruell. Sir. When Alexander the great went to the Oracle of Delphi he offered a solid gold trident among other things for a favorable answer. I guess I won't look a gift shepherd in the mouth.

It seems to me there is only two ways our weed industry can go. Either the whole nation or most of it legalizes weed, or we see a backlash and very few more states do so. I see our new pot dealers have no qualms about ripping us off. So I am guessing they are all about profit. Fine with me BTW.

Well I already established how I feel about the legal system, so let's not argue price. Therefore I fully support an all out attack on pot. We need a bipartisan effort to make sure no state on or near our borders ever legalizes weed. It will cut into all our profits. We need horror stories people! Like that black lab who tried to sell his female owner for pot laced dog treats. Remember that? Yeah it was so and so's nephew right? Right! Pot shops this is your lively hood here come on step up. So speaketh the Oracle of Zetroc. If you follow my advice we will be the number one economy in the U.S. for at least another year or 2. Now all we need is a god king.

Colin Kincade
