Letter to the Editor Coach Wagner was on the right track

It has just come to my attention that the new High School Sr. Varsity Football Coach, Dave Wagner, has been terminated.

This is a man that early on recognized the irresponsibility of MCHS in replacing faulty equipment. He recognized that the occurrence of concussions was in excess of reasonable expectations. At his own expense he ordered replacement helmets designed to reduce our head injuries. He allowed parents to partnership in this procurement that should have been borne by MCHS long ago!

He had many new plans from his collegiate experience and proven tactics that could give us the winning edge. Even given a young team having limited returning players from last year, the first game of the season with Aspen was off to a good start until the loss of a star player, Gurney. Even allowing the effect of that loss, the team completed two touchdowns and made a respectable show of their capability.

The assistant coaches should welcome the new talent available, especially with knowledge of past performances (or lack thereof) and be committed to follow the head coaches lead and support the team effort. I have been frustrated other years in watching the opposing team invariably being able to "read" our plays as we repeat the same play after play that does not work! I agree that the current reviews watching the next team's offense and defensive pattern on Saturday morning should be invaluable in our success on the field. We can learn much to guide our game if we are not too proud to evaluate our tactics in view of what we are facing.

We owe more to a man who was willing to leave his Arizona home, sacrifice position opportunities there, and risk a move to Colorado relocating his family. This is a man of principle and commitment to the community of Cortez/Montezuma County. Lets give him a chance to prove himself. Let us not be so hasty in reneging on our commitment to him.

David Swanson
