American plutocrats knew how to monopolize entire markets by the 1890s and, eventually, how to control whole cultures by shaping consumer lifestyles (see video “The Century of the Self”). By the 1980s, our oligarchs perfected how to purchase Legislatures with donations and lobbyists. Unsatisfied and now hungry for autocracy, they’re shredding our Constitutional voting rights. They are driven to the thrill sport of control: ever bolder, more immoral schemes like the crash of 2008.
But how can obscene wealth possibly subjugate an intelligent, democracy-loving population? Psychological manipulation? Well, that science is robust, its methods sound and effective.
Military recruiters groom teenage marks by learning personal interests and psychological weaknesses, then befriending and seducing them into joining the armed forces. But that is small potatoes: Cambridge Analytica secretly collected data on 87 million Americans. Every day, data is collected from each of us and effectively used to influence American minds by thousands of domestic and foreign agents, including Russians. Let’s be clear – the aim is subjugation.
What methods weaken voters’ political self-determination?
1) Sowing cynical pessimism about our democratic political system. “It’s rigged!”
2) Disempowering voters with philosophies of hopelessness and alienating them from political parties that hold power. “Why bother?” “They’re all corrupt.”
3) Fostering voter powerlessness and detachment. “Not my problem.”
4) Exhausting people with debt, multiple jobs, addictions, entertainment.
What can you do? Join a team that aligns with your values. Reject cynicism! Take ownership of your world! Organize! Let’s create the world we envision.
Kirby MacLaurin