
Let Trump lead us back from this brink

I was upset by Mr. Waggoner’s letter (“

I liked President Trump’s efforts to be positive for us. He spoke of hopes that COVID would go away. His administration did have many things under control. No American did or will go without a ventilator. Hospitals were not and won’t be overwhelmed. Much of that is directly due to his efforts.

I’m thankful that he acted quickly to stop flights to and from China while they were still hiding the pending pandemic. He stood up against the liberal Democrats that objected to this, calling him racist. Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi made a joke of it.

I have personally watched people get sick and die. Friends and family still need hope. I am a health care worker on the front lines and am grateful for Trump’s support.

I’m also mature and concerned about my retirement funds. I thank God that Trump had our economy rolling before this started. If the liberals had been in charge, we would have crashed badly.

There is only one man that can bring our country back from disaster and make it great again. I appreciate his nutty ideas like nuking hurricanes and clearing out fire-starter in the forests. America is great because of new ideas. Amazon’s crazy shipping deals make us all pay to ship. Trump has accomplished great things in spite of the constant diversions by the left, using fake news for all their hoaxes and outright criminal activities.

Thomas BurnisonCortez