
Leftover big-game licenses to go on sale Aug. 4

A couple of bull elk lead cows through snow.

The Journal

Leftover licenses for Colorado’s big-game seasons will go on sale at 9 a.m. Tuesday online, by phone, at Colorado Parks and Wildlife offices and at various retailers.

A list of the licenses remaining are now available on the CPW website.

There is no advantage for hunters to go to wildlife offices to buy licenses in person. For convenience and for COVID-19 safety, hunters are asked purchase online at or call (800) 244-5613.

Those who go to offices are requested to wear a face covering and to observe social distancing when standing in line and when talking to CPW customer service staff members. For those who go to the Durango office in person, licenses will be sold on first-come, first-served basis.

Hunters take along their driver’s license or ID card, proof of hunter education and a list of hunt codes they are interested in. If purchasing a license for someone else, have a clear copy of that person’s driver’s license and hunter education certificate along with a list of preferred hunt codes.

For more information, call the Durango wildlife office at 247-0855.