Critical race theory is a 50-year-old academic concept. The core idea is that race is a social construct and racial inequality and racism are not primarily the product of individual bias or prejudice, but of policies and laws.
Racism was woven into the fabric of the laws we live by from our beginnings. Why were special laws necessary to give the vote to women or to those with no property or to those with non-white skin? Because they were not considered worthy. Many of our founding fathers were slave owners and this is reflected in our Constitution. Many of our hallowed national heroes treated Black people as property, less than human. Thomas Jefferson raped his slaves and had children by them who were born and lived as slaves.
Those who would lead others to believe that critical race theory is some bizarre attempt to encroach on the personal liberties of white people are cynically perpetuating the racist social construct.
School boards must ask teachers to teach the truth of American History, that racism exists and has for 400 years. Teaching its ugly history to children old enough to understand will not damage them. It is not an attempt to take personal liberties from anyone. It's a progressive means of giving the same liberties that white people now enjoy to all Americans. Don’t use the current hysteria over critical race theory to deny knowledge of this dark history and current state of racism in our country.
Wilson C. Hicks