League of Women Voters plans discussion on Montezuma County sales tax

The Lewis-Arriola Community Center, 21203 County Road S. (Courtesy Facebook/Lewis-Arriola Community Center)
Free event is Aug. 10 at Lewis-Arriola Community Center

The League of Women Voters of Montezuma County will present a discussion on Aug. 10 that explains a proposed county sales tax and how that tax would be used.

The county sales tax will be put on the ballot in November.

“If you’d like to know where the money raised through this sales tax will be spent and why the commissioners have decided a county sales tax is the best approach to raising additional revenues, plan to attend a presentation at the Lewis Arriola Community Center on Saturday, August 10 at 10:30,” the League of Women Voters said Sunday in an email.

A slide presentation will be offered, with time for questions and answers. The session is free and open to anyone who would like to attend.