
League of Women Voters has candidate forums in June

Two of the League of Women Voters meetings in June will focus on candidate forums.

On June 8 at 6 p.m., the LWV of Montezuma County will join with other Leagues in the Third District for a Candidate Forum.

It will be a Zoom webinar and will be livestreamed on Facebook. Five candidates for Colorado Congressional District 3 are included: Lauren Boebert (R), Don Coram (R), Adam Frisch (D), Sol Sandoval (D), and Alex Walker (D).

On Thursday, June 9, the Montezuma league will host an in-person forum for county commissioner candidates at 6:30 p.m. at the Calvin Denton Room at Empire Electric. Three candidates are invited. Admission is free. All are welcome to hear and learn about the candidates for county commissioner.

The monthly meeting for the league will be at 10 a.m. Saturday, June 11. The topic for this meeting is fire.

Representatives from the various fire districts in the county will be present to talk about the conditions for fire through the coming months. We expect to hear practical advice and learn about fire prevention. The location for this meeting is the Dolores Public Library meeting room. League meeting are open to the public.

Information available on website and Facebook at and www.facebook//LeagueofwomenvotersofMontezumaCounty.