
La Plata County sees spike in COVID-19 cases since Labor Day

Travel weekend blamed for increase

La Plata County has recorded nearly 20 new COVID-19 cases in the last week and a half, a mini surge that San Juan Basin Public Health attributes to the Labor Day holiday.

Labor Day, which occurred Sept. 7, tends to be a busy travel weekend, with both visitors coming to Southwest Colorado and residents making trips around the country.

Exactly two weeks after the holiday, new COVID-19 cases started popping up. During a five-day period, Sept. 21-25, there were 19 new cases compared with only five new cases in the preceding 14 days, Sept. 7-20.

“We suspected we might see a spike in cases a couple weeks after Labor Day, and this seems to be the situation,” Claire Ninde, spokeswoman with SJBPH, wrote in an email to The Durango Herald. “Cases have been increasing in both resident and nonresident cases.”

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