
Job training geared toward senior citizens

The Cortez Journal

SER Jobs for Progress, a federally funded Job training program, announces the availability of several openings for paid job training positions.

Are you are 55 years of age or older and currently unemployed, but would like to find work? SER Jobs for Progress is a federally funded program for seniors who are economically challenged and unable to find work due to a lack of job skills. Our program offers you income while you learn new skills. You are paid to learn. You will be placed in part-time work experience assignments that will enhance your opportunities for employment.

The U.S. Department of Labor has funded this program for 50 years and is committed to recruit, train, and place eligible seniors in subsidized training. We are currently accepting applications for enrollment in La Plata, Montezuma, and Archuleta counties. We are also in need of nonprofit organizations; city, county, and government businesses who would like to participate in our program and receive the benefit of free help, paid for by the U.S. Dept of Labor. For additional information call the SER Jobs for Progress office in Durango at: 970-385-3995.

Oct 29, 2016
Learning Center focuses on medical, industrial trades