James: TV and Mao’s China

Tom James

When I was a kid, there was a guy named Mao Zedong who was the “big cheese” in China.

He ruled with a pretty hard hand, and demanded that everyone dress, speak and think alike.

I’ve noticed, with the advent of 24-hour-a-day television – all the news, sports, weather and shopping channels – that a great deal of that is going on here at home.

People talk about things based on whichever idea their chosen news channel sold them. They talk about the same weather no matter how far from home it is, and wear the same type of clothes because that’s what they’ve been told to wear.

What do you suppose old Mao could have gotten done with that?

I bet he’s jealous. Same result; much less bloodshed.

Watch yore topknot.

Ignacio’s Tom James was riding horses before he could walk. Reach him at outlivedthemallsofar@gmail.com.