It’s still about Uncle Micky

According to Lindsey Graham, Don Trump is “Bat (dung) crazy.” But that was then, before the wholesale of souls who made a bargain with the devil that Trump’s fascism is the route to make America great. “Little Marco,” “Lying Ted,” “Ron Sanctimonious,” “Nikki, the Indian” all sold their souls to honor a liar, cheat, treasonous, sexual predator devoid of any moral compass. They’re all over Southwest Colorado, too. Trump Again signs. What do our neighbors get from the devil? Donald J. Trump?

In a letter to The Journal some months ago, I wrote “It’s all about my Uncle Micky.” He was killed in action in World War II at 28. Trump calls him a loser. My uncle died fighting all that Trump stands for, full tilt, bona fide, jackbooted authoritarianism. The evil my Uncle Micky fought against in war is here, in our backyard and has a palace in South Florida.

Nov. 5, 2024 is the day we must defeat the devil and his minions. America will not be “great again” if we don’t.

Keith Riker
