
In our children's eyes

Dolores third-graders learn about who and what make our community work. In the process, they connect to their hometown roots.

Again this spring, the community of Dolores witnessed Mrs. Neeley and Mrs. Elder tromping 50 clipboard-toting third-graders around town as they learned about the town's history and services.

They began with a historical walking tour, observing and taking notes on important structures. Next, they visited municipality sites, listening to community members explain all about each place. The students wrapped up their experience with a historical tea and interviews with relatives and community members about growing up in Dolores. All the while, they were writing paragraphs to document what they'd learned about the community and the people who live here. This ongoing community study helps to teach history, civics, and writing, and build connections between the students and their town. It also teaches students' about how small towns function and introduces them to occupations.

We are very proud of our community, and we are proud of our Dolores students.

Mrs. Neeley