
If you didn’t watch Fox, you’d know this

I would like to respond to those who are calling Democrats socialists and the letter that said President Kennedy would be appalled by today’s Democrats.

First, we already are and have been a country that is a socialist and capitalist country. The $28 billion bailout to farmers because of President Trump’s devastating trade wars, well, that’s socialism bailing out capitalism.

The money the administration is planning on sending to all Americans to combat the effects of this horrible virus, well, that’s socialism bailing out capitalism.

When you need a policemen or fire department the dispatcher doesn’t ask you for your credit card or billing address, they just come. That’s socialism, paid for by our tax dollars for the common good.

Our schools, road departments and all those services paid for by our tax dollars for the common good, that’s socialism at work.

We now have a safety net for the elderly, poor and sick. We now have unemployment insurance, minimum wage, the CDC, HHS and Medicaid for the poor. Thanks to the Democrats, there are no more soup lines the elderly have to stand in to get their basic nutrition. No more working all their lives only to live their old age suffering from not making enough money for their retirement to live a decent life.

So my friends, before you label people, study government, history and the world today, and turn off Fox News.

Larry BergerCortez