
Hunting on San Juan National Forest and BLM lands

There’s a lot more to an enjoyable hunt than getting a license or taking a hunter’s safety course. Do you know where you are going to start your hunt and what the terrain is like? Where you can camp? Where you can use your ATV?

When it comes to the land, the staff and volunteers of the Forest Service, BLM & San Juan Mountains Association can help answer your questions.

Are you current on motorized travel rules for your local public lands? San Juan National Forest travel management continues to change. Check with your local office for current free Motorized Vehicle Use Maps (MVUM) or check on-line at On the BLM Tres Rios Field Office lands, motorized vehicles are limited to existing roads. No cross-country motorized travel is permitted. And don’t forget that all Off Highway Vehicles (OHVs) must display a current Colorado OHV Registration sticker (or carry a temporary registration bill of sale until the sticker arrives in the mail). Even if your Off Highway Vehicle (OHV) is registered in another state, you are required to purchase a Colorado OHV Permit sticker. Registrations and stickers are available for $25.25 at San Juan Public Lands or Colorado State Parks offices. When traveling on an OHV, rifles and muzzle loaders must be unloaded and enclosed in a case, with no open ends.

When setting up a hunter camp on public lands, proper planning will lessen your impacts to the natural world. The San Juan has many developed campgrounds that are available for free or at a reduced fee during hunting seasons. If you camp outside of a developed campground, please use a previously impacted area that is at least 100 feet from lakes, ponds, streams and trails. Never leave a campfire unattended and do not cut green trees or dig trenches around your tent. Keep vehicles within 300 feet of Forest System Roads. In Silverton, SRMA (Special Recreation Management Area - Alpine Loop) vehicles must stay within 1 vehicle length of a designated road. Check posted signage for additional information.

When it comes to trash, “If you pack it in,” make sure you “pack it out.” You should only burn trash that will be completely consumed. Foil, cans and glass do not burn and must be packed out. Please do not bury them.

On National Forest land, it is prohibited to camp for more than 28 days within any continuous 60-day period. After 14 days, you must move your camp or equipment beyond three air-miles from the previous site. On BLM lands, you must move your camp 30 miles away after 14 days and not return for 30 days. Also, a campsite may not be left unattended for longer than 48 hours on the Tre Rios BLM. If you must leave your camping materials behind for safety reasons, such as a heavy snowstorm, please notify the local National Forest or BLM office of the location and when you intend to return to pack out your camping equipment.

If you use horses for hunting, help protect the land by using a highline, hobble or picket to restrain your stock, and always use tree saver straps. It’s also important to tie stock at least 200 feet from any source of water. To help prevent the spread of noxious weeds, federal regulations require that you use only Certified Weed-Free hay, straw, mulch, cube or pelletized feed made from certified hay, or steamed-rolled grain for feed while on public lands.

Always make sure a friend or family member knows your itinerary for the backcountry. If you do not contact them at the agreed upon time, they can contact the La Plata County Search and Rescue through the County Sheriff’s Office at (970) 247-1157.

Hunting means being prepared with proper gear and clothing. You never know if you may have to spend the night in the woods, away from camp. Also, always keep your hands and feet dry and warm. Wear 500 square inches of blaze orange. Carry a good map, GPS, cell phone, extra food, clothing, and first aid.

You will find top-notch Visitor Services staff and volunteers at the San Juan Public Lands Offices in Durango, Pagosa Springs, Dolores and Bayfield to guide you in your hunting preparations. You can also phone (970-247-4874), or email us ( with your questions! If you have questions about the Hunting Proclamation, licenses, or obtaining your Hunter Safety Card, contact the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Office at (970) 247-0855. Current information is also provided weekly on the San Juan Region Outdoor Recreation Hotline at (970) 247-8187, sponsored by Pine Needle Mountaineering. Remember that planning ahead and preparing will help ensure a quality hunting experience and your safety.

SJMA’s Ghost Rider Volunteer, Vern Jahnke, provides information to hunters at the hunting booth outside of the Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) Office. The booth is a partnership between the San Juan National Forest, Tres Rios BLM, CPW and San Juan Mountains Association. The booth will be staffed on October 9, 14, 15, 16, 29 & 30. The booth also sells maps, guide books and OHV Registrations.