
Hunter’s body recovered from remote wilderness southwest of Rico

Cause of death not immediately known
A Flight For Life helicopter ferried search and rescue members to a landing zone so they could access a remote area southwest of Rico to recover the body of a hunter who died last weekend.

A search and rescue mission headed by Dolores County Search and Rescue recovered the body of a hunter last weekend southwest of Rico.

Dolores Search and Rescue Capt. Keith Keesling said a call came in late Saturday for an individual who died while hunting on an outfitter trip. Because it was getting dark and a snowstorm was moving into the region, rescue personnel had to wait until before sunrise Sunday to start the mission.

Keesling said the group of hunters, with an outfitter company, were at an elevation of about 10,000 feet, about 4½ miles up Wildcat Creek Trail, on the San Juan National Forest, southwest of Rico.

“They were in an extremely remote area,” he said.

Flight for Life helicopter crews delivered search and rescue personnel to a landing zone that was close to the group. Emergency personnel were able to recover the body and bring it back to the helicopter for extraction.

The mission was completed around 4 p.m. Sunday.

Keesling did not immediately have more information about the rescue Monday morning, or why the person died. He also did not have the person’s name, but said he was from Arizona.

Calls to the Dolores County coroner were not immediately returned Monday morning.

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