
Hufman accepts principal job

<span class="Drop cap">Enthusiasm won self-described data junkie the job, Cooper says</span>

Jenifer Hufman, of northern Colorado, has verbally accepted the principal position for Dolores middle and high schools.

Hufman is from the Oak Springs/Steamboat area, where she is the principal at Soroco High School. She has 22 years experience in education, a teaching degree from Adams State, and two school-age children.

She also has a strong background career technology eduction and special education.

Hufman said she is very community-minded, and likes to get to know her students, recognizing their lives on and off campus.

"I don't spend a lot of time in the office, because there are no kids there," she says. "I love school sporting events, and will wave to my students in the grocery store and talk with them and their parents at the county fair."

Hufman prefers small communities over larger cities, and realizes that though data and testing are important, the numbers don't tell the whole story.

"There are great things happening in small communities across the nation," she said.

Hufman's enthusiasm and experience won her the job, said Superintendant Scott Cooper.

"She has several years of administration experience, including four years as principal and curriculum director," Cooper said. "She is a strong instructional leader who loves working with teachers and is passionate about educating kids."

While compassionate, she's also tough-minded.

"I keep in contact with parents early when there is a problem so it is easier to solve," she said. "Kids do not get to disrupt the classroom. I solve problems, not just penalize."

Regarding lagging test scores for math, Hufman said Dolores' struggles are not unique.

"It's about teaching kids to be problem-solvers," she said. "I'm a data junkie, so I know how to target students who need intervention. You have to have realistic expectations and understand progress takes time."

Hufman grew up in a rural area and was active in Future Farmers of America. She's also a rabid basketball fan.

"I cheer a lot, and love to take stats," she said. "I enjoy going to school games and events."