
How lame are county commissioners?

How lame are the present county commissioners whooping it up and giving the green light to having the Montezuma County Fair and Ag Expo going ahead amid national coronavirus spikes?

Forty-five thousand new cases emerged today, June 30, and we need to cancel the fair and expo so that we don’t have our own surge mid-August, adversely effecting school and business openings, probably until January 2021.

This is irresponsible leadership and our commissioners need to uphold their oaths to serve and protect the citizens that elected them. If they won’t, we need to boycott the fair and expo, and parents need to protect their children by not participating and putting their families at risk, for this potential super-spreader event.

There will be another fair, another expo, another community event we can all enjoy next year. Until then, use the reason and good sense God gave you and stay home and stay safe.

Ellen J. BensonDolores