
Homecoming's success came from help of many


The Dolores Bears Booster Club and Dolores High School Student Government send a special thank you to those who helped make our 2013 Homecoming bonfire a big success.

Thanks go out to the Dolores School District and town of Dolores; Gina Kotarski and Bill McCoy of the Dolores Fire Department for keeping a watchful eye on the fire; DHS Student Government sponsors Mr. Munson and Ms. Pacheco; Aspen Wall-Wood for the wood donation and Chris Whatcott for hauling the wood to the bonfire site; Ryatt Pierce and Tanner Lochart for the use of their flat-bed trailer as a stage; Ray and Vance McDonnell of D'Crow for the sound system; Deputy Ray for making sure all was well during the evening; and our community members, parents, and well-behaved students of Dolores High School.

Thank you all again!


Lenetta Shull, president, Dolores Bears Booster Club

Faith Pejsa, president, Dolores High School Student Government