As the systems response program director at the Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault, I represent our statewide sexual assault organization in various legislative groups and councils. I previously served as the program coordinator for the tribe’s victim services programs, and also facilitate NAUHZCASA (Navajo, Apache, Ute, Hopi, Zuni Coalition Against Sexual Assault).
I’m also a fierce aunty to youth in my tribal community, my most important role – and it’s why I am urging support from our representatives and senators for SCR 24-001, the Child Sexual Abuse Accountability Amendment.
SCR 24-001 is an important step we can take as a state to give child sexual abuse survivors a path to justice and healing. Legislative passage will send Colorado voters a question about whether survivors can pursue claims against abusers and complicit institutions, no matter when the abuse happened.
Many abusers are still out in the community, and it is high time we protect our kids and bring justice to these predators.
Our state constitution currently prohibits laws that are “retrospective.” The Colorado Supreme Court ruled that unless we alter the Constitution, these victims will find the courts closed to them.
Changing the statute of limitations for child sexual abuse in Colorado is vital to empower survivors and bring perpetrators to justice. Passing SCR-24-001 is essential for justice and protecting future generations.
Please, call, email and text your state legislators, and ask them to vote “yes” on SCR-001, holding child sexual abusers accountable.
Gina Lopez