
Historical society offers pioneer families’ cookbook

The Journal

The Montezuma County Historical Society is now offering the “Great Sage Plain to Timberline – Cook Book” for sale.

The book gives brief histories of pioneer families with recipes from these families plus favorite recipes from the members. It has recipes for making lye soap; Dutch oven cooking; what to do with a live chicken; several eat-first desserts; breads; meats; canning/freezing; and traditional recipes brought from the “old country.”

The cookbook is available for purchase for $20 from Books, 124 Pinon Drive in Cortez (565-2503); or from committee members Ann Brown (565-2747), Halene West (565-3279), Marie Rumburg (564-0943) or June Head (565-3880).

Jan 15, 2017
Montezuma County Historical Society’s collections need new home