Highway between Mancos, Dolores gets an upgrade

Colorado Highway 184 between Mancos and Dolores is being repaved by the Colorado Department of Transportation and general contractor Oldcastle SW Group.

The $5.9 million project includes leveling, adding edge-to-edge asphalt, fixing dips and improving curves. It is the first time the road has seen a major upgrade for 18 years, according to CDOT.

An inch of asphalt is being added to level the course, then another 2-inch overlay is installed edge-to-edge," said Nancy Shanks, CDOT spokeswoman.

Two corners are being improved as well, Shanks said, at mile markers 22 and 24.

Called super-elevation correction, the process creates a ramp for easier turning, similar to a race-track, but more subtle.

"It greatly enhances safety when cornering and is easier to negotiate in winter conditions," Shanks said.

A crumbling shoulder has been repaired along the road, which has suffered from freeze-thaw cycles and age. The road is noticeably wider and smoother for vehicles, with a distinct shoulder separated by white striping, which greatly improves road bicycling conditions as well.

Also, new guardrails were replaced or modified along the highway, mailboxes were replaced, new lane striping, drainage ditches were widened, and road approaches were paved and repaired.

According to bid documents, the project is expected to wrap up in November.

A $1.3 million project to relocate and improve culverts near the Chicken Creek turn off is in the planning stages.
