
Highway 145 reconstruction to halt for July Fourth holiday

Reconstruction of Colorado Highway 145 will halt for July Fourth holiday.

The Journal

The Colorado Department of Transportation and contractor Williams Construction of Norwood continue efforts to rebuild a section of a rockslide-damaged highway in northeast of Dolores. While work was halted for the July Fourth weekend, travelers will experience brief delays with continued one-lane alternating traffic controlled by a portable light signal.

Drivers are advised to “creep” their vehicles as close as possible to the “Stop Here” sign in order to trigger the sensor and provide a green light as soon as it is safely able. Even when crews are not working, drivers are not permitted to stop in the work zone area. Stopping in the work zone can delay traffic at both ends of the construction site.

The reconstruction work will resume on Monday. The contractor anticipates that the highway will be opened to two-way traffic by mid-July, with work continuing for additional weeks.