
‘Hidden message work is a bad thing’

The editorial on the new Impact Career Innovation Center on Wednesday missed the mark. The center is well-built, the skilled workers that built it should be proud. It’s a nice building but read between the lines.

The writer says, “We’re spending coveted weekends figuring out how to make repairs that look deceptively easy in YouTube videos, but actually aren’t.” The hidden message is work is a bad thing, a waste of time and only play matters. That’s the wrong message.

It’s as if work is beneath a certain class of people. Work doesn’t end when the whistle blows on Friday (doubtful most readers get that). Growing up in the Stone Age, weekends were spent with moms and dads learning to fix the car, repair the house, cook and clean. We learned the four-letter word, "work.“ We had time to play as a family and have fun, too. We were taught life skills our parents knew we would need to survive.

The problem began when our society started believing it was up to schools to raise kids. It’s been happening for decades, and it still isn’t working. We see the results now with an adult generation that can’t work or doesn’t believe they should have to.

Or maybe it is working perfectly. A childhood of clicks, likes and YouTube influencers is a wasted opportunity that lasts a lifetime.

This has all been said before like a broken record. Know what that it is? Know how to fix it? Have a nice day.

Jason Mietchen
