Hickenlooper on the fence about Biden’s campaign

Despite disagreements, Bennet convinced Democrats will ultimately come together
Sens. John Hickenlooper and Michael Bennet

WASHINGTON – After U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet shared this week that he worries President Joe Biden can’t win in November, Colorado’s other senator, John Hickenlooper, has taken a different approach.

Hickenlooper told reporters at the Capitol on Wednesday that he and Bennet discussed their positions on Biden’s campaign during a long walk Sunday, so he was aware of Bennet’s concerns. Still, Hickenlooper said he thinks Biden will do what is best for the country.

“I keep coming back to, I mean, Joe Biden for 50 years – more than 50 years – has always put the country first, and I think he’ll do that again,” he said.

He declined to say whether it would be best for the country if Biden stepped aside, saying, “I think what’s best is to win.”

His latest comments come as news spread of a special caucus lunch Thursday at the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee headquarters with Democratic senators, Biden advisers Mike Donilon and Steve Ricchetti, and Biden’s campaign Chairwoman Jen O’Malley Dillon.

Of that meeting, Bennet told reports at the Capitol, “I’m looking forward to that conversation – should’ve had it 10 days ago.” He shrugged off a question about whether he is disappointed the president won’t be attending the Thursday lunch, saying he hasn’t “been able to focus on that.”

Hickenlooper said he doubts the meeting will have much impact on the direction of things. “I’m not sure how far it’s going to move the needle,” he said, adding it would be best if Biden attended.

Bennet has been one of the most outspoken senators when it comes to raising concerns about Biden’s candidacy. He has stood by those comments throughout the week, saying Democrats will ultimately come together.

“I absolutely believe we will unify as Democrats,” he said. “I have no doubt that we will unify.”

Kathryn Squyres is an intern for The Durango Herald and The Journal in Cortez and a student at American University in Washington, D.C. She can be reached at ksquyres@durangoherald.com.

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