
Hesperus Ski Area reopens after mid-season closure

Safety board identified lift maintenance deficiencies, among others
Hesperus Ski Area reopened Wednesday after closing for about two weeks to address lift maintenance deficiencies, among other issues identified by the Colorado Passenger Tramway Safety Board.

Hesperus Ski Area, which closed mid-season to conduct lift maintenance, reopened Wednesday.

The ski hill 11 miles west of downtown Durango closed Feb. 21 after an unannounced inspection by the Colorado Passenger Tramway Safety Board, which identified 20 “deficiencies” ranging from sign displays, record-keeping, general maintenance and insufficient training of employees.

The ski area said it voluntarily closed to address lift maintenance, including replacing “chair clips,” which transition the carrier to the haul rope and must be tested annually. It also worked with the Passenger Tramway Safety Board to “address items that were contained in an inspection report.”

The Safety Board inspects and registers ski lifts across the state. It performed an annual unannounced inspection Feb. 20-21 and issued a five-page report Feb. 25 detailing each deficiency.

Hesperus Ski Area made the report available to The Durango Herald.

During the closure, Hesperus season passes were honored at Purgatory Resort, 27 miles north of Durango.

Hesperus plans to be open daily through March 19 and then will be open weekends as conditions permit.

Hesperus will be open from 4 to 9 p.m. Wednesday through Friday; from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday; and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday through March 19.

Hesperus reports a 52-inch base with four groomed trails, six park features, and all 26 trails open.