
Herald’s ‘mundane news spun with far-left slant’

Tuesday, a group of Durango citizens protested outside The Durango Herald. They were protesting censorship by the Herald staff. It’s no secret the Herald is a far-left newspaper. Even mundane news is spun with a far-left slant.

Now, it seems even letters to the editor that are nothing more than opinions of individuals are often not printed if the opinion is not shared by staff. Our government and media is consumed with the quest for diversity, unless it’s diversity of opinion or ideas. In a country born on the premise of free of speech. it is commonplace to deny it today. It used to be believable to think our small town media wasn’t corrupted with politics like big media companies. Now, the corruption is everywhere.

Where do we turn for simple news, information without political slant? Most Americans just want information and the ability to form their own opinion based on it, not propaganda trying to tell us what to believe. Many are naive enough to believe as long they are not being silenced, it's OK. Today it’s somebody else being censored, tomorrow it will be you.

Censorship is wrong in any form to anybody. If you don't stand up for your rights, they will disappear. Your silence is your approval. Instead of reading the Herald, maybe read the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. You will learn more.

Jason Mietchen
