Herald, The Journal will no longer run ‘Dilbert’ comic strip


The Durango Herald and The Journal are no longer including “Dilbert” in its cartoon offerings. Its creator, Scott Adams, made some clearly racist comments in recent interviews, and our organization does not support his views. While the comic strip, which features dysfunctional relationships in a workplace where productivity and collaboration among co-workers are mocked and superiors belittled, has not included racism, it is difficult to separate an author’s statements from his work in another medium.

Adams claims his comments were taken out of context, but to say in a firm tone that whites should avoid Blacks doesn’t suggest any reasonable context.

“Dilbert” has been dropped by many newspapers and also by the syndicate that distributes Adams’ work.

If readers have suggestions as to what comic should be considered to replace “Dilbert,” workplace or not, please let us know by emailing herald@durangoherald.com or news@the-journal.com with “Comic” in the subject field.

– Richard G. Ballantine, board chair, Ballantine Communications

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