
Group pairs meditation, energy to attempt contact with extraterrestrials

Group members will meet to view ‘Aztec 1948: UFO Crash’
The Sacred Spiral Healing CE-5 Group brings together individuals who are interested in contacting extraterrestrials. (Debra Mayeux/Special to The Journal)

A Farmington woman’s personal experience with purported alien spacecraft led her to bring together a group of like-minded individuals interested in contacting extraterrestrials. The Rev. Sandra MacCready Clark started the Sacred Spiral Healing CE-5 Group, which meets monthly.

“Instead of the aliens getting in contact with us, we are trying to get in touch with them,” Clark said. “We put ourselves out there saying, ‘Hey, we are here.’”

The group will meet at 7 p.m. March 31 in the San Juan College Planetarium for a viewing of the documentary film “Aztec 1948: UFO Crash,” directed by Paul Kimbal. This will be the fourth meeting, since Clark started her official CE-5 gatherings in October 2022.

“In the beginning it was just for fun – let’s get together talk about aliens and share,” she said, adding when people found out about it, they wanted to participate. The first was in her backyard around a fire. She led a meditation and then sent energy into the sky hoping for some type of response from otherworldly entities. Nothing happened that night, but she did not give up, and neither did her members.

A CE-5 is a close encounter of the fifth kind, based on the writings of Ufologist Dr. Stephen Greer, founder of the Center for the Study of extraterrestrial Intelligence. Greer was an emergency room doctor, who left medicine to bring this topic to the public’s eye.

“My original project was CE-5 contact. … When I first started doing that in 1990, within two years we had made successful contact with ET craft off the coast of Florida near Pensacola,” Greer said in a Facebook interview. He said the military tried to stop him, because “what we’re doing with CE-5 contact is extremely legitimate.”

It was Clark’s son, Sean Jobe, who introduced her to the CE-5 concept, which Greer said has to do with “consciousness.”

Jobe was camping at Navajo Lake in 2017, when he meditated and made contact with what he believed to be an extraterrestrial. “It felt like everything was vibrating. I turned around and someone was behind me. He was about 9 feet tall with dread-like hair. He was showing me historical things – how planets were dying from poverty, greed. I was told, ‘It’s up to you to make a change on your planet.’ I was gone for hours. It was all telepathic communication.”

Jobe later watched a documentary by Greer on CE-5 and felt that was what happened to him. Close encounters are ranked in five categories. The first kind consists of seeing unidentified objects in the sky. The second is finding physical evidence of those spacecraft, such as scorch marks on the ground. The third is making actual contact with an extraterrestrial. The fourth is a human being brought aboard a spacecraft, and finally the fifth is “a proactive approach to contacting the aliens,” he said.

Clark said she also has had experiences from meditating – seeing lights in the sky or cigar-shaped objects flying above her backyard. Another CE-5 member, Robert Ledford said he has had CE-4 experiences.

“I’ve had encounters ever since I was preteen. When I was sleeping, they would come – I feel like I was taken on craft. Sometimes they just came and visited. I never felt scared. It was like my family checking up on me,” said Ledford, who used to live in Cortez.

Ledford experienced bright lights in the Southwest Colorado night sky. “They moved at a quick speed and erratically, and I saw one landing in a field.”

Ledford was one of the first members of the Sacred Spiral CE-5 group, and he also participates in other educational activities developed by Clark at Sacred Spiral Healing. “It’s a place to grow in spirit,” he said.

Clark added that her purpose for the CE-5 group is to provide a place for like-minded individuals to come together and share what has happened to them. “It’s for awareness to let people know they are not the only ones out there who have had these things happen to them. They are not alone.”

Seating on March 31 is limited and while the event is free, people must RSVP to ensure a seat.

For more information about the group or to RSVP for the upcoming session, call Sacred Spiral Healing at (505) 427-0222 or visit the Sacred Spiral Healing Facebook page.