
‘Grateful Moran willing to stand watch’

On Wednesday, as we all went about our days in relative safety with all the trivial cares of the world on our minds, there was man who was standing the watch. I do not know Sgt. Michael Moran, but I know many like him who choose a life of service over a life of being served.

Then there are those who choose a life of service in the defense of our nation and our communities, willing to lay down their lives for our freedom. Moran did both and, ultimately, he gave his life so others may live. May his name not be forgotten, may his name forever be in the hearts, minds and prayers of a grateful nation and community.

May his gift of life be a constant reminder of the extreme privilege we enjoy every day in this nation, the privileged life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Let us lift up in prayer those on the watch defending our nation and communities.

Let us set aside today the politics of the day, the worries of the day, and the divisiveness of the culture, and be humble, thankful and grateful for men and women like Moran who are willing to stand the watch. I am humble, grateful and thankful for the men and women on the watch, and those who have given the last full measure of devotion in the line of duty. Ecclesiastes 3, Psalm 144, Matthew 5, John 15, Romans 13.

Charles Meg Evanson

Glade Park