Grateful for your investment in student success, commitment to their future

Tom Burris

My career as an educator spans more than three decades. I was a principal in the Montezuma-Cortez School District, in the mid 1990s, when Superintendent Bill Thompson and Business Manager Jim Riffey proposed a mill levy in support of teacher pay. The proposal failed, and similar proposals have failed in the decades since.

Over the years, I have been told that our community does not value education, or that most residents are struggling financially and cannot afford the proposed tax increase. I have been confidently assured that a mill levy proposal could never pass. However, Ballot Issue 4B did pass Nov. 5, by a 6% majority of voters.

On behalf of all district staff members and the Montezuma-Cortez School District board of directors, I want to express our immense gratitude for your support.

A piece of conventional wisdom in the world of education, which is backed up by quite a lot of research, is that teacher quality is the single biggest factor in student achievement. I know it’s true in this district, because I see it happening on every campus.

I am proud of the professionals who act out our motto: “Every Student. Every Day.” These educators have helped Montezuma-Cortez students realize enormous academic growth over the past two years. With competitive pay, the district will now be able to reward their efforts. We will also be positioned to recruit more highly qualified, dedicated teachers and paraprofessionals.

There is a lot of work to be done; Montezuma-Cortez students can and will reach the high levels of academic achievement that they are capable of. I see voters’ approval of Ballot Initiative 4B as not only a sign of support for educators, but a sign of your expectation that we keep moving forward. I want you to know that you have my full commitment. Our students, and our future, are well worth the investment you have made.

Tom Burris is superintendent of Montezuma-Cortez School District Re-1.