GOP criticizes ‘curse of God’ statement

Klingenschmitt draws fire from party members

DENVER – Colorado House Republicans admonished one of their own Friday after controversial “curse of God” comments related to a tragic event involving a pregnant Longmont woman.

Rep. Gordon Klingenschmitt, R-Colorado Springs, was called out from the floor of the House after he came under fire for suggesting that a recent horrific tragedy in Longmont, in which a pregnant woman had her unborn child ripped from her womb, was the “curse of God” as a result of laws that allow women to have abortions.

Assistant Minority Leader Polly Lawrence was careful to separate the Republican caucus from the toxic remarks.

“Members, recently this week we had a member make some inappropriate and hurtful comments related to a horrific event that happened in Longmont, and I just want to take this moment to make it very clear that these comments that were made do not reflect our caucus. They are not representative of our caucus, and we soundly reject them,” Lawrence said, without actually naming Klingenschmitt.

It was unclear Friday whether the caucus would take further action against Klingenschmitt. Majority Democrats said the lawmaker now has been warned, and similar actions would be met with more serious punishment.

The embattled lawmaker offered his comments through his televangelist YouTube show, “Pray in Jesus Name.”

It is not the first time Klingenschmitt has raised eyebrows – claiming President Barack Obama is a demon, and homosexuality is a sin.

His latest remarks on the Longmont tragedy included: “This is the curse of God upon America for our sin of not protecting innocent children in the womb. And part of that curse for our rebellion against God as a nation is that our women are ripped open.”

The former U.S. Navy chaplain would not apologize when asked about his comments by The Durango Herald shortly after he was admonished on the floor. But he did say that he might consider curbing some of his remarks in the future.