
Girl Scouts help retire flags

As Senior Vice Commander Jim Logan led the ceremony, VFW member Rich Kriner ceremoniously cuts up the American Flag as Girl Scout Troop Leader Wendy Daniel, her daughter Cadette Alyssa Daniel and Junior Jayden Thomason assist by holding the flag, which was subsequently burned with honor during the special Flag Day Retirement Ceremony hosted by Montezuma VFW Post 5231.

Girl Scout Troop 2619 assisted the Montezuma VFW Post 5231 in a flag retirement ceremony at the Mancos Post in honor of Flag Day.

In the United States, Flag Day is considered a patriotic holiday and is celebrated on June 14. It commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States, which happened on that day in 1777 by resolution of the Second Continental Congress. The deeper meaning behind the flag, and as each flag was retired, made a lasting impression of patriotism for our country on the members of the Girl Scout troop, said troop leader Dena Thomason.

The VFW Post 5231 Montezuma, the Ladies Auxiliary and Senior Vice Commander Jim Logan helped facilitate the troop's participation and learning experience. Peggy Brinkerhoff, Donna Butt, Rachel Segura and Dena Thomason donated aging flags that were ready for the retirement ceremony.