
Gardner is a good, correct American

I want to respond to Edward Packard, who stated in his letter that he assumed that Sen. Cory Gardner was once a traditional Republican and abandoned all of it to follow President Trump (“Let’s vote Cory Gardner out in Nov

First of all, just admit that you’re a liberal Democrat who thinks that Republicans should be like the old days in bowing and scraping to the Democrats.

It is great that President Trump has turned a new page by standing up and confronting Nancy Pelosi, Charles Schumer, Adam Schiff and the rest of the far left; Gardner is correct and a good American for supporting President Trump who has accomplished more for our country than the last four Presidents combined.

Mr. Packard, and also David Ohman: Do you have any memory about your failed presidential candidate, Sen. Michael Bennett, who voted 100% of the time in supporting the Democratic Party and the anti-American Barrack Hussein Obama, like a good sheep should?

So give me a break! You liberals are all the same, with short memories and hypocritical as they come.

Marvin HermannsCortez